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It's Enya Huber's second time at the Scripps National Spelling Bee and she was feeling good.

Enya, Speller 15, lives in Ontario, Canada, and when her sponsor dropped the spelling bee this year, she almost didn't have the chance to return. Enya tried to solicit a new sponsor, getting in touch with businesses, Rotary clubs and other groups to no avail. But the Bee's new RSVBee program – which allows paths to the Bee for people who would not otherwise have a way to get there – allowed her to come.

Enya said when she found out she could come back to the Bee, she started studying really hard, even before she knew she was accepted.


When she isn't spelling, Enya likes to read the Harry Potter series and other books. She also likes to play outside and play all kinds of board games and card games. She particularly likes games of luck.

Today, Enya was excited.

“I'm very happy I made it to the finals,” she said. “I really liked the experience of doing it. It was really fun last year and I wanted to do it again.”

The seventh grader misspelled "kanone," an expert skier, and is out.