Halfway through the round

We've made it through the first half of Round 2, with 140 spellers.

So far, 132 have spelled their words correctly. Eight are out.

Here are a few of our favorite sentences from the first part. The spelling words are bold.

  • When the speller received "virgule" in the spelling bee, he asked if he could please spell "forward slash" instead.
  • The Kempers were disappointed with their safari because they had been hoping to see a hartebeest, but at last they saw the problems inherent with going on a safari in Cincinnati.
  • The glockenspiel added a unique dimension to the band's rendition of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy," but what the piece really needed was more cowbell!
  • To the vaquero, the horse was a close friend, which led the horse to wonder if they were close enough for him to ask to no longer be sat on.
  • The durwan who is facing the wall clearly has no idea how to do his job.

Join us again in a few minutes for a continuation of the round.