I competed three years in the National Spelling Bee and was a finalist in 2012. I just completed my first year at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. The bee has enriched my life so greatly, through study skills, a love of language, and lifelong friendships. Recently, I was reminded of the legacy of the Bee and my responsibility to pass on the love of language to others. I began tutoring in an elementary literacy program through a Nashville YMCA. On my first day, I asked my student his biggest goal for our time reading together. Immediately, he answered he most wanted to learn to spell. His answer gave me goosebumps, and I was awed silent for a moment. He would never know just how uniquely equipped I was to help him work toward that goal. I am so grateful for the Scripps National Spelling Bee program, which has not only instilled a love of language within me, but empowered me to share it.

Jordan Hoffman
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