Thank you, thank you

Will Robson, speller 232 and a Massachusetts eighth grader, is out on "achondroplasia," failure of normal development of cartilage resulting in dwarfism.

In coming to the Scripps National Spelling Bee, Will is following in the footsteps of his brother Mitchell, who competed in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Dominic Taylor, Speller 239, misspelled "wentletrap," any of numerous graceful usually white spirally coiled and tapering gastropod mollusk shells that have longitudinal ridges surrounding the whorls and are favorites with collectors — called also 'staircase shell.'

Dominic is a Michigan seventh grader. "Thank you for the opportunity," he said as he walked off stage."

And Lucas Tusinean, speller 241, misspelled "Leicester," a hard cheese made of whole cow’s milk resembling cheddar and Cheshire cheese.

The Pennsylvania eighth grader also said thank you as he walked away.
