Break time

We've lost some more spellers before lunch. Alexander Besecker, speller 193, and a Florida seventh grader. Alexander misspelled "eschatology," a study or science dealing with the ultimate destiny or purpose of humanity and the world.

Allison Jones, speller 202, and an Indiana seventh grader, misspelled "petrogale," any of various medium-sized kangaroos having a completely naked muzzle and a slender tufted tail and inhabiting rocky regions : a rock wallaby.

And Alexis Grimm, speller 203 and a Florida eighth grader, misspelled "decuman," extremely large — used of a wave.


Savannah Huber, speller 208 and an Idaho seventh grader misspelled "aioli," a sauce made of crushed garlic, egg yolks, olive oil, and lemon juice and sometimes potato : garlic mayonnaise.
At the break, 185 people have spelled correctly and 22 are out.