Naysa misspells

Naysa Modi, Speller 447 and a Texas seventh grader, misspelled "Bewusstseinslage," a state of consciousness or a feeling devoid of sensory components.

It's Naysa's fourth time at the Bee, and she knows what to expect.

“I'm not overwhelmed,” she said. “I can't help but be happy.”

Naysa said she prepared more this year. Now, she qualified in Texas. Last year, she was here from Louisiana.

Qualifying this year was harder, she said.

Naysa also plays soccer and is learning tae kwon do. She looks up to Simone Biles, Oprah and Ellen. 

About the Bee?

“It's such an exhilarating experience,” she said. “I wouldn't trade it for the world.”
