Some spellers return to watch the competition

"Hello, this is Nicholas with ESPN," former speller Nicholas Rushlow answers the phone. "Yo-yo, correct? This is going to be a fun one."

Nicholas, who competed in the bee five times, will be a senior in high school this fall. But he's come back every year, and this week is helping ESPN book time with spellers who have unusual talents (like mad skills with the yo-yo) and doing other tasks for the network.

"It's been fantastic," he said.

Several friends and former competitors are joining Nicholas at the bee this week. Through the year, Nicholas said he keeps up with spelling friends via a group text.

Though this is the third time Nicholas has come to the bee since his final appearance, he said it's still weird not to be competing. He pronounces in the local school bee near Columbus, Ohio and is a judge in the regional bee. He also swims competitively and plays violin.

"I just miss getting on stage and being able to spell," he said. "It's still weird sitting in the audience."