Teacher Feature - Sara Shin

Behind every great student is a great teacher. These teachers make learning fun by thinking outside the box and creating classroom experiences that resonate with their students. They serve many roles in their schools, as spelling coaches, school bee coordinators and judges; more often than not, they are motivators who encourage their students to be the best they can be. In the “Teacher Feature,” we celebrate these educators and their commitment to their students' education.

Teacher Feature - Sara ShinThe Bee is celebrating National Reading Month in multiple ways this year, and you can read about many of them, such as the Spellebrity Video Contest, on our blog. Another aspect of our observance of this important month is our "Teacher Feature" series; we want to show you how teachers are making a difference by encouraging their students to read. This week, we are pleased to highlight Sara Shin, a sixth grade English language arts teacher at PS/IS 30 Mary White Ovington in Brooklyn, New York.

As an avid reader herself, Ms. Shin recognizes that each student has differences in taste and learning style. Ms. Alla Umanskaya, the school's librarian who nominated Ms. Shin for this distinction, says that Ms. Shin "believes in each child's ability to learn and to enjoy learning." It is this drive to see all of her students succeed that inspires her to cultivate multiple opportunities for reading and language growth. As the coordinator of her school's reading program, Ms. Shin encourages students to take part in the spelling bee program and engages her classes while reviewing the study words. She also collaborates with a librarian to host a Round Table Book Club for students.

Ms. Shin truly embraces the spirit of National Reading Month in her everyday life. She enjoys reading in her free time, and she stays up-to-date on popular books and trends in juvenile and young adult fiction. This dedication to finding great literature for her classroom allows her to pair reluctant readers with their new favorite books, a feat that continues to impress Ms. Umanskaya. In fact, she considers Ms. Shin to be a "teacher-magician!" By getting to know her students on a deeper level, she can recommend books that kindle a budding love of reading, and she purchases these books out-of-pocket to stock the shelves of her own classroom library.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee would like to thank Ms. Shin for recognizing that all readers are different and for dedicating her time to pairing her students with great books that they will enjoy. Reading is such an important part of any English language arts curriculum, and we are proud to recognize Ms. Shin for the leaps and bounds that she has made in her own school.

If you would like to nominate an educator for an upcoming “Teacher Feature,” fill out this brief survey about the teacher you wish you nominate.