The Spelling Bee Experience for All

The teachers were able to gather students to participat in the spelling bee and volunteers to help out. It has brought the teachers and the students closer together. We had the best time watching our students compete. They were nervous, but many pushed through the anxiety. It has also created a new love for this event by our staff and students. We are so appreciative of this experience.

Spelling Bee Experience for All

The teachers were able to gather students to participat in the spelling bee and volunteers to help out. It has brought the teachers and the students closer together. We had the best time watching our students compete. They were nervous, but many pushed through the anxiety. It has also created a new love for this event by our staff and students. We are so appreciative of this experience.

The Bee

Every year I look forward to the bee. I look forward to the anxiety. Most years I compete in the class. Then get top two or three there and advance to counties. Counties this year is tomorrow. This is the bee that can determine if I am actually better than my friend that I will name Tom. I wait every year for this, the studying, the bees, I love every part. This is the year that in my County, we could go onto Nationals.

Two Time Champ, English as a Second Language Student

A group of excited students, teachers and members of the Lawrenceville Rotary club met on February 8 for the second annual Arsenal Middle School Spelling Bee. With their classmates in the audience, 17 students from the sixth, seventh and eighth grades participated. They had been studying for several weeks and seemed eager to compete. Their teachers served as pronouncer and score-keeper, and Rotarians sat as judges and time-keepers.

Glenn Raymond School Spelling Bee

On January 31 the school wide spelling bee was held at Glenn Raymond School. 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students competed in our competition. The top three spellers from each grade participated, and our local winner was 8th grader Ashton Peters! She is advancing to our regional competition on February 27th at Bradley Bourbonnais High School Auditorium. 18 School are bringing their top speller for this regional competition. Congratulations to Ashton, her winning word was "ambitious."

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