How do I enroll a home school association/group/co-op?

Home school associations, groups and co-ops can enroll in the Bee just like any other type of school. The enrollment fee for home school associations, groups is the same fee paid by other school types (e.g. public, private, charter).

Our Early Bird Enrollment Period lasted from August 17, 2015, through October 15, 2015. The per-school fee during our Early Bird Enrollment Period was $136.

How do I enroll my school?

Our Early Bird Enrollment Period lasted from August 17, 2015, through October 15, 2015. The per-school fee during our Early Bird Enrollment Period was $136.

Our Regular Enrollment Period began on October 16, 2015, and will last through December 11, 2015. The per-school fee during our Regular Enrollment Period is $211.


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