resources to help your child get excited about words
Check out the Bee's own resources for students that will help them learn their spelling bee study words. You'll also find a series of books written in partnership with Roaring Book Press, an imprint of Macmillan Publishers. What will spark a love of language for your child?
resources from the Bee

get the words they need to succeed
Does your child dream of winning a school spelling bee or even competing in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C.? You've found the perfect place to start.
Words of the Champions is the official study resource of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Help your student prepare for a classroom, school, regional qualifier or regional spelling bee with this list of 4,000 words, including all 450 words in the School Spelling Bee Study List.

did you know your child can learn while they play?
Word Club, the Bee's premier study app, is free to download and includes the 450 words on the School Spelling Bee Study List and all 4,000 words in Words of the Champions, the recommended study list for School Champions. Your child can choose from five spelling game modes and three word meaning game modes.
books with Roaring Brook Press

Feed Me Words
By Kris Hirschmann, illustrated by James K. Hindle
These forty bite-size word puzzles, spelling quizzes, and vocabulary-filled stories are perfect for sharing at snack time or around the dinner table. Readers are invited to play with language, investigating sneaky silent letters and the many ways that a word's meaning can be altered by context or spelling. These super-short, storified lessons are accompanied by informational sidebars rich with tips, tricks, trivia, and interactive exercises to break down spelling basics in a fun and accessible way.

Spell Across America
By Kris Hirschmann, Illustrated by James K. Hindle
This book is bursting with vibrant content themed around major US. regions and landmarks to provide a fun backdrop for stories and lessons designed to help prepare young spellers for success both on stage and off. The Bee-vetted, fully illustrated location-based stories make this the perfect book to share on road trips, buses, trains, and planes. Puzzles, trivia, and informational sidebars break down spelling and word-use basics in an engaging and accessible way.

Lunchbox Words
By Tracey West, Illustrated by James K. Hindle
Each of the warm, inspirational and aspirational notes features a Bee-selected early spelling word used in context and accompanied by its definition and pronunciation, a quick and easy spelling lesson, and an illustrated joke or quote. These mini-lessons are bite-sized and easily sharable―perfect for tucking in a book bag, lunchbox, or coat pocket whenever your speller is on the go.