2024 Results

Round 10 - Vocabulary Round

No. Speller's Name Speller's Sponsor Question Answer Given
22 Shrey Parikh San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools If something is jurisprudential, it:
relates to the science or philosophy of law
31 Aditi Muthukumar The Denver Post What is a tesseract?
a theoretical concept of a four-dimensional cube
47 Bruhat Soma Rays Baseball Foundation and Rowdies Soccer Fund Something referred to as a sine qua non is:
considered essential
155 Ananya Prassanna Carolina Panthers What is a velocipede?
a lightweight wheeled vehicle propelled by the rider
207 Faizan Zaki Dallas Sports Commission If something is liminal it is:
in-between or transitional
212 Kirsten Santos Houston Community College What is a modus operandi?
a manner of doing things