join the club
With the free Word Club app for mobile devices and tablets, your child can have fun while mastering the Words of the Champions. The app is adaptable to different study and quiz styles for both spelling and vocabulary, and added game-play will keep your spelling champ motivated. Download the app today from Google Play or the App Store!

what is word club?
Students have a new way to study by downloading Word Club for free in the App Store or Google Play Store. Choose from five spelling play modes and three vocabulary play modes. Track your progress as you conquer the School Spelling Bee Study List and Words of the Champions, the recommended study resource for classroom, school, regional qualifier and regional spelling bees!

where do the words come from?
All 4,000 words in Words of the Champions can be found in Merriam-Webster Unabridged, the official dictionary of the Scripps National Spelling Bee.

looking for study words?
The School Spelling Bee Study List and Words of the Champions are available to teachers at enrolled schools — simply log in to access and distribute to your students. Not a teacher? You can order a Kindle eBook or paperback containing all 4,000 regional spelling bee study words through Amazon.