bring the spelling bee to your students in any learning environment
Developed in 2020, the Bee's Online Testing Platform gives spelling bee coordinators and regional partners maximum flexibility in how they run spelling bee programs. As educators deliver classroom instruction, manage remote learning or provide a combination of the two, they can offer a traditional oral spelling bee or declare a champion through an online test.

classroom and school online tests
School spelling bee coordinators at schools enrolled with the Bee will receive access to the Online Testing Platform on September 30. Coordinators will be able to administer Classroom and School online tests as well as delegate creation of tests to other educators at their school.

intermediate and regional qualifier online tests
Regional partners will be able to delegate Online Testing Platform access to regional qualifier coordinators on October 31. Regional qualifier coordinators will be able to administer Intermediate and Regional Qualifier online tests and declare champions to move forward to the Regional Spelling Bee, the final level of a regional partner's spelling bee program.

regional tiebreaker online tests
Regional partners will receive access to the Online Testing Platform on February 3. Regional partners will be able to administer a Regional Tiebreaker online test in the event of a tie following the administration of a Regional Spelling Bee.