Where can I get Great American SpellCheck materials?

All Great American SpellCheck materials are automatically available to enrolled schools as a benefit of enrollment with the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Materials include:

  • Great American SpellCheck grade-specific word lists and study sheets for grades 1–8
  • Great American SpellCheck pledge sheets,
  • Great American SpellCheck test forms,
  • Great American SpellCheck instructions and
  • Great American SpellCheck communication templates.
  • Can you answer my question about a specific eligibility concern?

    In general, the Bee will not render opinions on eligibility unless the question pertains directly to a student who qualifies for the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee. If there are steps you can take now to preclude ineligibility, take those steps. If your student has qualified for the 2016 Scripps National Spelling Bee and has eligibility concerns, the student\'s parents should promptly contact the national office.


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